This two-day course is designed for Clinical Nurse Specialists and AHPs in Palliative or Cancer Care who have previously undertaken Advanced Communication Skills Training.
The need for holistic support to address the psychosocial impact of cancer or end of life care has featured in NHS recommendations since 2004. This Level 2 course will develop skills in identifying psychological needs and distress, managing onward referrals, and practicing self-care. Level 2 practitioners are those who have received additional training in assessing and supporting patients with psychosocial needs. Establishing systematic and consistent methods to identify such patients is vital.
The need for supervision of staff working at this level is essential, and whilst we know that some staff are able to access supervision in their work environment, others do not have that opportunity so this will be discussed on an individual basis.
The course includes advanced communication skills refreshers, deepens understanding of psychopathologies, and offers various methods for assessing needs, including the need to refer onwards and self-care practices.
Delivered face-to-face in Oxford, the course will employ a range of learning experiences.
Day 1: 4th April 2025
Day 2: 11th April 2025
Location: OxCERPC, Sobell House Hospice, Oxford
CPD Credits:
+ Venue
Oxford Centre for Education & Research in Palliative Care,
Sobell House Hospice, Churchill Hospital,
+ Speakers
Alex Jones
Alex works as a Cancer Support Specialist at Maggie's Oxford providing psychological and practical support to people affected by cancer. She has trained in Depression Care for People with Cancer incorporating Behavioural Activation and Problem-solving Therapy and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching Psychology from the University of East London.
Prior to this she worked for Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust in specialist palliative care, as a staff nurse then ward sister. Since then, she has helped to develop a new oncology depression service as part of the Oxford psychological medicine team, worked in the hospital palliative care team, and as a breast cancer senior specialist nurse.
As a qualified nurse, she holds a First-Class Honours Degree in Adult Nursing and has completed Post Graduate modules in Palliative care, Advanced Communication, Mentoring, and Leadership at Oxford Brookes University. She is a freelance educator within OxCERPC.
Claire Britton
Claire has a keen interest in developing others, one focus is around communication skills and difficult conversations that happen within palliative and end of life care situations. Undertaking a MSc in Clinical Leadership in Palliative and End of Life Care provided key modules to underpin and help develop this.
Claire currently works as a senior specialist palliative care nurse working with the Community Palliative Care Team in Oxfordshire. She has many years of nursing experience in a variety of roles including district nursing, practice development in primary care and her current role supporting patients in management of their symptoms both physical and psychological. She is a freelance educator within OxCERPC.
+ Course Programmes
Day 1
• Advanced communication skills
• Assessment of psychopathologies including depression, anxiety and suicide risk assessment
• Managing stress & adjustment
• Referring on
• Self-care (positive psychology & grounding techniques)
Day 2
• Practical case studies from day 1
• Interventions to support change (motivational interviewing, problem solving and behavioural activation techniques)
• Interventions to manage distress (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Acceptance & Commitment Therapy techniques)
• Self-care (self-compassion & strengths)
• Planning for on-going support and supervision
+ Course Aims
By the end of the course the learner will be able to:
• Recognise and identify specific aspects of communication skills that are key in the assessment, identification, and management of those with psychological needs/distress.
• Describe and differentiate a range of psychopathologies pertinent to clinical practice in palliative care.
• Demonstrate a range of the knowledge and skills required in the assessment process for psychological needs/distress and be able to apply this knowledge to their clinical practice.
• Recognise and develop selfcare strategies as part of their clinical role