Kate ButcherEducation Lead

    Education lead, OxCERPC

    MSc, BA(Hons), RN, DN

    Kate qualified as a registered nurse in Sheffield and started work with the OxCERPC team in 2014 following many years of working in the community as a District Nurse Team Leader and Practice Development Facilitator for End of Life Care. Alongside her current education role, she also works as a clinical nurse specialist within the hospice.

    In 2016, Southampton University awarded her an MSc in Clinical Leadership in Cancer, Palliative and End of Life Care. Her research was focussed upon the educational needs of a local telephone support service based within the social care setting. Kate has also recently completed the Training for Teachers in Palliative Care course from Liverpool University (Palliative Care Institute).

    Kate’s aim is to develop educational activities which meet both current needs of practitioners and national educational guidance for palliative/end-of-life care education. She has a particular interest in developing a portfolio of communication skills workshops at various levels, and working with nursing assistants and domiciliary carers to develop their care-giving skills and understanding of the topics. She also has an interest in the delivery of spiritual care, has spoken at a psycho-spiritual care symposium and has collaborated on a chapter in “Psycho-spiritual care in health care practice” (2017).

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